Nursing Theory and Theorists

This guide will help students research nursing theory and theorists at the Chamberlain Library

Browse Original Publications by Theorist

An original publication of a theory or model is also known as a primary source. The easiest way to see if the library has a particular primary source is to search the title in the Search Everything box on the library homepage. If it is available in the library, it will be included in the search results. 

Note! Not all sources of original nursing theories are available digitally. We try our best to secure as many sources as we can, but some cannot be acquired.

Below you'll find a list of nursing theorists and links to some of their original publications carried by the library. The list has been sorted alphabetically by the theorist's last name. 

Benner, Patricia

Henderson, Virginia

The Virginia Henderson title "Principles and Practice of Nursing" is not available in eBook format at this time. 

King, Imogene

Leininger, Madeleine

Kolcaba, Katharine

Neuman, Betty

Newman, Margaret

Nightingale, Florence

Orem, Dorothea

Peplau, Hildegard

Ray, Marilyn Ann

Smith, Marlaine

Swanson, Kirsten

Watson, Jean

Find Original Publications by Theorist

You can find additional information written by specific theorists by searching the theorist's name in the advanced search from the library homepage. Below are the steps for doing this type of search.

  1. From the library homepage, select Go to Advanced Search in the bottom left corner of the Search Everything box, as shown in the image below.

Step 1 of Search Everything Original Publications Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

  1. On the next page, select the drop-down arrow next to Any field, as shown in the image below.

Step 2 of Search Everything Original Publications Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

  1. Select Author/Creator from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the theorist's name in the search box next to the filter. The image below demonstrates a search for Benner, Patricia.

Step 3-4 of Search Everything Original Publications Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

  1. Select Search.