About Us

Chamberlain Library Mission Statement

The library exists to serve the Chamberlain community and is committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity, embracing the importance and value of diverse capabilities, perspectives, and voices. We seek to facilitate discovery, curiosity, learning, and research by connecting users with extensive online information resources, robust collections, and accessible and responsive services that reflect the evolving information landscape.

Chamberlain Library Staff

Meet our staff of friendly librarians! Whether you see our names on the other end of chats or see our faces in workshops, we will be here to support you throughout your academic journey.

Layla Burroughs, MLIS
Layla Burroughs
Lead Reference & Campus Support Librarian
Michael Chiles, MLIS
Michael Chiles
Systems & Infrastructure Librarian
Leah Cordova, MLIS
Leah Cordova
Director of Library and Information Services
Saskia Farber, MA-Library Science
Saskia Farber
Collection Strategy & Acquisitions Librarian
Carleen Huxley, MLIS
Carleen Huxley
Lead Instructional Services Librarian
Christine Patterson, MLIS
Christine Patterson
Health Sciences Librarian
Jenna Troidl, MLIS, CPACC
Jenna Troidl
Manager, Technical Services & Digital Strategies