A notification in the Search Everything system that lets you know if there are any new search results for your saved search query.
Boolean Operator (also known as Connector)
Often called “Boolean operators,” connectors AND, OR, and NOT will make the database search for your keywords in a specific way.
Brief Display
The information that displays for each Detailed Record in the Search Results.
Brief Results
See Search Results.
Important elements that help readers identify and retrieve a publication. Elements typically include publication information like author/creator, title, date, name of journal (for articles), name of publisher (for books), volume and issue number (for articles), and page numbers.
A group of Information Sources held by the Chamberlain Library.
Author or individual(s) that created the Information Source.
A searchable index that stores Information Sources in electronic format.
Detailed Record
The details of an individual record that displays on its own page after clicking a record's title in the Search Results.
Document Delivery
A free article request service available to current Chamberlain students and faculty members.
A book published in electronic format that can be read on a computer or mobile device.
A journal published in electronic format that can be read on a computer or mobile device. See also Journal.
Videos, audio clips, images, graphics, and slides that can be accessed on a computer or mobile device.
See Information Source.
A personal list of sources that can be saved in the Search Everything system for later retrieval by using the Pin button.
A tool that allows you to limit your Search Results in the Search Everything system after you perform a search.
Full Display
See Detailed Record.
Full Text
The complete text of an Information Source.
Information Source (also known as a Source)
An item found in the library or online that supports a user's information needs. Items include eJournals, eBooks, websites, and other electronic publications.
A publication containing articles written by researchers and other experts.
A term from a research topic to use in a search.
Open Access
Information Sources that are available to all.
Portable document format.
Peer Review
The process in which an article is vetted by an impartial panel of experts prior to publication in a journal.
A permanent link to an online source.
Primary Source
A firsthand account from participants or observers of an event or period of time.
A person or company who publishes books, periodicals, and other materials.
Research Guide
A webpage(s) created by the library team that provides Information Sources focusing on a specific program, subject, and library service or skill.
Scholarly Source
A primary publication that presents original research from a professional field. Scholarly sources include: academic journals, peer-reviewed journals and books, government websites (.gov), and professional organization websites (.org).
Search Everything (also known as Search System)
The Chamberlain University Library's single, unified search system on the library homepage.
Search Results
A list of results that generate after you do a search from the search box on the library homepage or one of the databases from the Databases A to Z list.
Search Strategy (also known as Search String or Search Statement)
Keywords from your research topic joined together by Boolean Operators to use in a library search.
Secondary Source
A description, analysis or recounting of a Primary Source.
Subject Heading
A subject term that is part of a controlled vocabulary and is assigned to articles based on their content to make them easier to retrieve.
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