Finding Types of Research

Understand Types of Research Data

There are two types of data collected when conducting a research study: quantitative or qualitative.

  • Quantitative data is numbers-based and measurable.
  • Qualitative data is text-based and observational.

The video below will show you how to identify research studies that use these different types of data. 

Watch the Identifying Quantitative and Qualitative video

Below are some suggestions on how to find research articles that are collecting either quantitative or qualitative data in the library databases.

Note! Although the following search strategies below can help you find different study types, it is best practice to screen the sections of an article to determine if the study reports quantitative or qualitative data.

Find Quantitative Research

There are no filters to limit your search to quantitative research in the Search Everything box on the library homepage or in the individual databases on the Database A-Z page.

However, below are some terms to add to your search to help you find quantitative research.

  • quantitative
  • experiment
  • statistical
  • correlation
  • significance
  • T-test
  • Chi square
  • P value
  • data
  • Z-test
  • validity
  • variance
  • variable
  • pretest
  • posttest

Example search:

diabetes AND (“blood sugar” OR glucose) AND monitor* AND (quantitative OR variance OR significance)

Review Quantitative Research Example

Find Qualitative Research

Similar to searching for quantitative research, there are some keywords you can add to your searches to find qualitative research. These include:

  • qualitative
  • content analysis
  • thematic analysis
  • ethnography
  • narrative
  • focus group
  • field study
  • grounded theory
  • case study
  • observational
  • perspective
  • lived experience
  • attitudes
  • beliefs
  • interview
  • phenomenological

Example search:

diabetes AND (“blood sugar” OR glucose) AND monitor* AND (qualitative OR interview OR attitudes OR beliefs)

There are also filters in specific databases that allow you to limit your search results to qualitative articles only. Below are some databases that have this option.

CINAHL and Medline: Clinical Queries Filter


To find qualitative articles in CINAHL or Medline, follow the steps below.

  1. Select one of the database links above to open the Advanced Search page.
  2. Enter your keyword(s) into the search boxes. 
  3. Move down to the Limit Your Results section. This is where you can add filters to your search to tell the database that you only want articles that fit specific criteria. 
  4. Locate the Clinical Queries menu. This is a menu where you have several different choices for qualitative studies, including High Specificity, High Sensitivity, and Best Balance, as shown in the image below.
  • High Sensitivity – is the broadest search and will include the most results.
  • High Specificity – is the narrowest search and will include the most relevant results.
  • Best Balance – will provide a balance between the two searches.

CINAHL/Medline Qualitative Filters instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Review Qualitative Research Example