Finding Types of Research

About This Guide

Throughout your schooling, you may need to find different types of evidence and research to support your topic of interest. This guide provides a high-level overview of research types, study designs, and types of data you may encounter when searching for information on your topic.

Understand Evidence-Based Practice

What is Evidence-Based Practice?

One of the requirements for your coursework is to find articles that support evidence-based practice. But what exactly is evidence-based practice? Evidence-based practice is a method that uses relevant and current evidence to plan, implement, and evaluate patient care. This definition is included in the video below, which explains all the steps of evidence-based practice in greater detail.

Understand Research Study Types

Primary/Original Research/Empirical Study Designs

Primary research, or what is also known as original or empirical research, is where researchers conduct the study and report on their findings. These type of studies include:

  • Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Case-Control Studies
  • Cohort Studies
  • Cross-Sectional Studies

Studies that Synthesize Other Studies

Sometimes, a research study will look at the results of many studies, look for trends and draw conclusions. These types of studies include:

  • Meta Analyses
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Literature Reviews

Tip! How do you determine the research article’s level of evidence or study design? First, look at the methodology section of the article. It should provide clues about what type of study design they are using and all the details of how they conducted the study.

The books below will help you understand the literature you find during your searches, including study design and evidence-based practice concepts.