Library Services for Faculty and Colleagues

Request Research Services

Introduction to Research Services

Select the following tabs to read more about each service, or start your research services request!

Consultation and Training

We offer consultation and training services to assist Chamberlain faculty and colleagues throughout the research process. Whether you are a new faculty member interested in learning more about what the library has to offer, a new researcher in the beginning stages of a project, or an experienced scholar seeking recommendations for manuscript dissemination, we are here to help.

Our team can:

  • Answer questions about library services and database access
  • Advise or instruct you in the use of library databases and citation management tools, including PubMed, CINAHL, RefWorks, and more
  • Assist you in search strategy development
  • Recommend information sources or database appropriateness based on the research topic
  • Help develop search alerts so that you can keep current with the information in your field
  • Provide guidance on identifying publishing opportunities in your field

To arrange a consultation or training session, please fill out our Research Request form.

Expert Literature Search

Many areas of your work and practice benefit from the examination of the published literature so that you can make knowledge-based or evidence-based decisions. Our expert literature-searching service is designed to help support this endeavor by pairing you with an expertly-trained librarian who can conduct robust searches based on your information need and deliver the results directly to your email.

To request an expert literature search, please fill out our Research Request form.

Please note the turnaround time for expert literature search requests is typically one to three weeks based on librarian availability.

Review Research Support

Conducting high-quality reviews is vital as we seek to further the knowledge and advance the understanding within a specific research area. Structured reviews help us to synthesize existing evidence, develop theories, identify background information to build a base for subsequent research, and identify research gaps. We are pleased to offer a tiered review research service to support colleagues with their research reviews.

Tier 1: Basic Service

Librarians provide virtual consultations covering the processes and best practices for conducting a review. This service is designed to get the research team started.

  • Provide consultation on the review process, methodology, and guidelines
  • Give advice on identifying controlled vocabulary and keywords
  • Provide recommendations for databases to search for evidence
  • Give advice on citation management methods and tools

Tier 2: Advanced Service

Librarians are considered full team members of the research team and conduct in-depth literature searches, assist with citation management, and write the literature search methodology for the final paper for publication.

  • Identify appropriate search terms: controlled vocabulary and keywords in conjunction with review team members
  • Provide advice on review processes, methodology, and guidelines
  • Conduct literature searches across multiple databases
  • Document database search strategies
  • Organize references retrieved from different sources
  • Assist in retrieving full-text articles
  • Write up the search part of the methodology section for a publication
  • Review manuscript

If you are interested in collaborating with a librarian on a review project, please fill out our Research Request form.

Publishing and Authorship

We provide tiered publishing and authorship support for Chamberlain faculty and colleagues. Whether you are interested in learning more about the publishing opportunities in your field, have questions about predatory publishing, or would like a librarian to help you determine suitable options for publication, we are here to help!

Tier 1: Librarian Consultation

This tier includes a meeting with a librarian to review methods of identifying publishing opportunities in your field, discuss issues around predatory publishing, review author guidelines, and more.

Tier 2: Manuscript Match

With this tier, the librarian identifies potential publishing options based on your manuscript document or provided abstract, open access requirements, indexing preferences, publishing timeline, and more.

To request assistance with publishing or authorship, please fill out our Research Request form.