
Search Popular History Databases

American History from Infobase

American History from Infobase provides articles, images, primary source documents, timelines, videos, and slideshows that span our nation’s history.

Log in

To log in to the American History from Infobase database, use the database links on the library homepage or select the link below. If prompted to log in, you will use the same login information you use for your classes (D# and password).


As highlighted in the image below, you can search American History in the following ways:

  • Enter your keyword(s) for your topic in the search box at top of the page. The image below demonstrates a search for the War of 1812.
  • Browse your topic by resource type with the quick links under Browse Resources on the right-hand side of the page.
  • Explore your topic in depth with the quick links under Topic Centers on the right-hand side of the page.

American History Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Ready to get started? Select the link below to launch the database!

Credo Reference

Credo Reference consists of encyclopedias and other reference books on a wide range of academic subjects in the humanities, social sciences, and more. While these summaries may not be acceptable for an assignment, it is a good source for finding background information on general education topics. Before you follow the instructions below, check your assignment rubric or ask your professor which sources are acceptable for your assignments.

Log in

To log in to the Credo Reference database, use the database links on the library homepage or select the link below. If prompted to log in, you will use the same login information you use for your classes (D# and password).


Enter your keyword(s) for your topic in the search box at the top of the page. The image below demonstrates a search for slavery.

Step 1 of Credo Reference Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Browse the search results for information about your topic. The image below shows the results of the slavery search. There is an encyclopedia entry at the top of the results page, defining slavery, and results for other encyclopedia and reference book entries below. You can also use the options to the right of your results to explore the topic further.

Step 1 of Credo Reference Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Ready to get started? Select the link below to launch the database!

Ebook Central from ProQuest

Ebook Central contains thousands of eBooks from various publishers across a wide range of academic disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, and related disciplines.

Log in

To log in to Ebook Central from ProQuest, use the database links on the library homepage or select the link below. If prompted to log in, you will use the same login information you use for your classes (D# and password).


Enter your keyword(s) for your topic in the search box at the top of the page and select Search. The image below demonstrates a search for the American Revolution.

Step 1 of Ebook Central Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

The image below highlights the filters under Refine Your Search on the left-hand side of the page, which you can use to narrow your results. Popular filters include:

  • Year Published
  • Subject
  • Language

Step 2 of Ebook Central Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Ready to get started? Select the link below to launch the database!

Modern World History from Infobase

Modern World History covers world history from the mid-15th century to the present, providing access to subject entries, biographies, images, videos and slideshows, maps and graphs, primary sources, and timelines.

Log in

To log in to the Modern World History from Infobase database, use the database links on the library homepage or select the link below. If prompted to log in, you will use the same login information you use for your classes (D# and password).


As highlighted in the image below, you can search Modern World History in the following ways:

  • Enter your keyword(s) for your topic in the search box at top of the page. The image below demonstrates a search for World War II.
  • Browse your topic by resource type with the quick links under Browse Resources on the right-hand side of the page.
  • Explore your topic in depth with the quick links under Topic Centers on the right-hand side of the page

Modern World History Search instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Ready to get started? Select the link below to launch the database!

U.S. Newsstream from ProQuest

U.S. Newsstream provides access to current U.S. newspapers, wires, broadcast transcripts, blogs, and news sites stretching back into the 1980s from top U.S. news sources, including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.

Log in

To log in to U.S. Newsstream from ProQuest, use the database links on the library homepage or select the link below. If prompted to log in, you will use the same login information you use for your classes (D# and password).

Find Newspapers

Let's say you have an assignment that requires you to find an article from a local newspaper about a local policy issue that affects you. You can choose to do an online search for the newspaper, or you can search for it in our U.S. Newsstream database.

An online search of the newspaper would allow you to access the articles directly from their website. For example, a Google search of "Arizona local newspaper" yields The Arizona Republic as the first search result. Although this is the most effective way to find articles from your local newspaper, you may hit a paywall while trying to access the full text because most news websites make the reader pay through a subscription or pay per article.

If that is the case, this database may be the best option because we have a subscription, which provides full-text access to certain publications. To see if your local newspaper is included in this database's list of publications, follow the steps below.

  1. Select Publications in the top navigation menu, as shown in the image below.

Step 1 of U.S. Newsstream Find Newspapers instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

  1. In the Publication Search box, enter the state you live in. The image below demonstrates a search for publications in Arizona.
  2. Select In Title from the drop-down menu next to the search box.
  3. Select Search.

Step 2-4 of U.S. Newsstream Find Newspapers instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

  1. Select the newspaper title from the search results. The image below highlights The Arizona Republic in the search results.

Step 5 of U.S. Newsstream Find Newspapers instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

  1. Move down to view articles from the latest issue or enter a topic of interest in the Search within this Publication box, as shown in the image below.

Step 6 of U.S. Newsstream Find Newspapers instructions. Please refer to the instructional text for more detailed information.

Ready to get started? Select the link below to launch the database!